Although the engine is the source of the driving force of the electric vehicle, the battery pack is practically “heart and soul”. If you are looking for a new or used electric car, what you will definitely want to pay attention to are the battery specifications. Of course, you need…
How to get more customers and more money for your companies
Everyone who has their own business strives to make a profit from the companies operations. Ideally, it is necessary to increase revenue and reduce costs, but the market situation is not as simple as on paper. When there is a shortage of funds in companies, especially in startups, due to…
5 things you shouldn’t do on vacation
How can you recognize a Japanese person anywhere in the world? There are probably at least two or three cameras around his neck through all vacation. Joke aside, in recent years cameras have been replaced by smartphones and now tablets. And while locals look reproachfully at tourists who lift their…
Trick Your Brain to Like Doing Hard Thing
We all know that when it comes time to do something, especially if it is difficult and complicated, our brain is somehow scared and does not want to do it. We have no doubt that if you were to play a game, or watch a movie, you would be concentrating…
Master Tips for Traveling
With each trip, a new lesson is learned. At first, it is not easy and mistakes are made, but over time, the more you are traveling, the better you become. Safety is the most important thing on any trip. In this blog post, we will give you some tips that…
6 Financial Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Our time is mostly consumed by trying to produce mainly one thing. MONEY. Unfortunately, money isn’t something we take the time to fully understand and learn more about, which can really lead into financial mistakes down the road that can make you the opposite of rich. Read the 7 financial…
5 Jobs You Can Do From Home in 2020
As technology and societal changes continue to drive rapid evolution in the world’s job market, working remotely from home is something that is dramatically growing in popularity. In fact, remote work has grown 90% over the past 10 years. In many ways, this trend is great for businesses and employees…
FAQ Covid-19
1. What is DL-Limousine doing to help clients stay safe? Since we are open, during-trip, all cars are properly washed and disinfected, including touching items and surfaces such as handles, seat belts, air vents, buttons and armrests with a disinfectant wipe. We also remove all materials printed, water bottles, etc… 2….
Denmark Culture
Denmark’s identity and community arise from a long tradition of racial homogeneity. In Denmark, the three facets of Danish life can be defined as culture: simplicity, politeness and equality. Visiting the country is sure to match anyone’s interest in culture, the art, literature, and more. Here’s a few info on…
Simple ways to disinfect your car
Exercise personal hygiene Maybe the most basic and, at the same time, the most important step is to start exercising personal hygiene in your car. Wash your hands before going for a drive will also avoid pollution of the car. Then remember to wash them again after you’ve finished your trip to…